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Selectmen's Minutes 10/31/2006


October 31, 2006

PRESENT:  Selectmen Emma Smith, William Roach, Richard Leone, Stephen White and Frederick Gallup.  Town Manager Donna Nashawaty.  Budget Advisory Committee members Arthur Muller, Charles Balyeat and Scott Unsworth.

ABSENT:  Michael Snow, Budget Advisory Committee member.

The meeting was opened by Chairman Emma Smith at 6:30 PM.

Donna Nashawaty distributed budget binders to members of both boards.  She explained how the binders were put together.  She also presented tentative dates for the boards to meet with department heads.  Once the dates are cleared with the department heads, she will provide the boards with a finalized calendar.  D. Nashawaty explained to the boards that she has asked the department heads to discuss only those line items that realize an increase.   She believes that this will take away from the confusion.  The boards will still have the opportunity to answer questions on any line item.  

Emma Smith noted that a budget meeting was scheduled for Nov. 7th.  Since this is Election Day, she cannot attend that evening because she works at the polls.  Charles Balyeat agreed.  It was decided that the meeting would be held  on Wed., Nov. 8th.   All budget meetings will begin at 6:00 PM.  Arthur Muller informed the boards that he will miss the Nov. 14th meeting and possibly the Nov. 21.  Donna Nashawaty asked Emma Smith if she had any luck in finding another individual to take the remaining term of Rick Mastin, who resigned.  E. Smith responded that she had not and was still trying to get in touch with someone.  

Arthur Muller stated that he was very pleased with the recent tax rate.  He said that this was the first time the rate had remained the same in the many years he has lived in Sunapee.  

Donna Nashawaty reminded the boards that the budget hearing is being held at the Middle High School gym on Thurs., Jan 11, 2007 and the deliberative session will be held in the Middle High School gym on Feb. 6, 2007.   The School Board’s budget hearing is scheduled for Wed., Jan. 10, 2007 and their deliberative session will be held on Mon., Feb. 5, 2007.  These are also held at the Middle High School gym.

Donna Nashawaty directed the boards to the first page in the budget binders.  She has chosen items that have been increased or decreased showing explanations why.  A copy
Board of Selectmen
October 31, 2006

of the sheet is attached to the original file copy of these meetings.  The total over all increase is 6.9%.    The first item that has taken an increase is the town’s portion of employee’s retirement.  The employer contributes 65% of the cost for police officers; the remaining 35% of the cost is paid by the State of New Hampshire.  The employer pays the full cost for employees.  All rates have increased in this budget year.   With regard to the cost of living, D. Nashawaty, explained that she used 4% while computing the budget but will use the cost of living that will be set some time in November.  D. Nashawaty stated that she was pleased to announce that  with regard to the new Safety Services Building, the town did not have to finance as much as budgeted, therefore, the interest and principal payments were not as much as anticipated. She reported that the audit line has increased by $4,000 because of  the GASB.  A new law that has been enacted that will require municipalities to budget similar to private businesses by assessing assets, i.e. buildings, vehicles, etc.   Discussion was held on how difficult this change would be.  This will be addressed when D. Nashawaty explains her budget to the boards on Dec. 5th.  Another increase will be seen in the finance office.  D. Nashawaty would like to hire someone to work 16 hours a week with the present bookkeeper.  This individual would be trained primarily on payroll.  As it is now, the present bookkeeper has to come in while on vacations to do payroll.   D. Nashawaty explained that the position may pay a salary of up to $13.70 per hour.  Arthur Muller brought information, which was copied and passed out to the members, that showed that the personal income growth is at 1.7%.  He believes the boards should keep this in mind when reviewing the budget.

D. Nashawaty explained that the election line item is down because there is only one election in 2007.

A new item has been added and is called Vacant Town Building Needs.  At the moment the old Town Hall needs roof repairs.  This will be done by the new maintenance man.
She also had to add funds to continue to pay insurance on it as well as electricity.   D. Nashawaty reported that a new French Livery Renovation Committee has been formed and charged with coming before the Selectmen with ideas on what to do with the building at the Selectmen’s meeting of Dec. 15, 2006.  

D. Nashawaty stated that it was discovered by Tony Bergeron when he planked the dock, that the cribbing needs repair at the main dock.  

D. Nashawaty explained that her budget included moving the maintenance man from part time (32 hours/week) to full time (40 hours/week).  Since the current maintenance man is married to another town employee, there would be no increase in health insurance costs.  She informed the boards that all of the department heads have asked to make the position a full time one.  He is doing a lot of repairs and maintenance that was usually hired out in the past.  The Town is saving money by taking care of these items itself.  

Board of Selectmen
October 31, 2006

Donna Nashawaty informed the boards that she has created an account to cover the utilities and insurance of the new Safety Services Building.  The fire department and police department will share with charges that are made to this account.

Donna Nashawaty stated that the police department has made an agreement with the Town of New London for dispatch.  The fire department is currently being dispatched out of New London.  The Sunapee police department has been dispatched out of Newport.  This change in dispatching services will save the town $10,000.

Donna Nashawaty explained that since the NH/VT Solid Waste Contract was ending in June 2007, the Town must find another site for disposal of its solid waste.  She and Tony Bergeron have studied 4 options.  These options vary in cost of tonnage from $45.00 per ton to $91.50 per ton.  Trucking is a main concern as the distance will be further adding to the cost of fuel and labor.  D. Nashawaty stated that the options were outlined in the budget binder.  Tony Bergeron will address this issue when he meets with the boards.  It was noted that the sale of coupons for disposal does assist with revenues to the budget.  D. Nashawaty stated that she is working on an article for the 2007 town meeting that would address the town ending its agreement with Wheelbrator for disposal.  

With regard to the Recreation Department, D. Nashawaty explained that this department runs financially different than other departments.  The Recreation Department is allowed to collect fees.  These fees go to a special recreation fund that the department gets to spend as well as the town budgeted monies.  D. Nashawaty believes that some accountability should be in place.  This will be discussed further at the meeting with the Recreation Director.

D. Nashawaty informed the boards that the Library Trustees will present a request again to make the position of Children’s Librarian a full time one.  Emma Smith stated that the Selectmen have been informed that there are 64 children attending the after school program at the library.  Concern was expressed that parents may be taking advantage of this program by using it as a baby sitting service.  

D. Nashawaty  distributed information to the boards about the Police Chief’s vehicle replacement schedule.  This will be discussed with the Chief when he meets with the boards.

Emma Smith reminded the boards that the next meeting of the Selectmen and BAC is Wed., Nov. 8 at 6 PM.

Board of Selectmen
October 31, 2006

The meeting adjourned at 9:15 PM.

Submitted by,  Darlene Morse                    Approved____________________

Emma Smith, Chairman                            Stephen W. White

William Roach                                   Richard Leone

Frederick Gallup